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Technical Services

Placing primary emphasis on multiple proficiency domains, IAVO Research and Scientific provides algorithm and software development, research, production, and consulting services. 

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Services: Imagery and 3D Modeling

Our imagery services group responds to the ever-increasing client interests in "geodata". This includes the US Government (e.g., military, transportation, interior, commerce, justice, etc.), local and state governments, developers, and many commercial entities.. 

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Services: Energy Management

Our power management work involves optimization systems for fuel resource management and modeling predictive energy requirements within closed systems. Our technologies have particular applicability to "smart grid" systems under development by both government and industry

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Services: Behavioral Modeling and Analysis

Our behavioral modeling efforts offer unique capabilities for highly specialized use cases. These include abilities to model human/sociological phenomena and provide prediction criteria to the accompanying output. Application services include crime analysis, purchasing prediction, voting trends, performance assessment, and many others.  

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Services: Fusion Sciences

We perform advanced R&D associated with multi-source, multi-sensor, and multi-intelligence data fusion. Emphasis is placed on advanced algorithm development, ontology development, design, and implementation of programs related to optimization, estimation, pattern recognition, and data mining. 

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